Band Photography Shoot

A 2 hour band photography shoot, styled with monocles, waistcoats and pocket watches and a vintage 'psychiatrists couch' kind of look.

Robin from the a band called the Many Few contacted me because they had an idea about a styled musician photography shoot for their band. As well as photography they wanted help with choosing a location, so I sent Robin a few ideas and we settled on the October Gallery. It has a great room with a club / library feel that suited the look they were going for.

The band styled themselves with monocles, waistcoats and pocket watches and we went for a vintage ‘psychiatrists couch’ kind of look. A 2 hour shoot, resulted in 10 images that the band picked. I edited the photos to give them a vintage look, and here are a few of the final shots from their band shoot:

Musician Photography 2 - Band Photography Shoot

Band Photography on Location in London
Band Photography on Location in London

Musician Photography 6 - Band Photography Shoot

Musician Photography
Musician Photography

Musician Photography 4 - Band Photography Shoot

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