Looking for a good photographer may seem like a bit of a minefield. Essentially you are looking for someone who can convert your ideas and aims into great photography which give you wonderful results. But, where do you start when looking for a photographer. Here is a quick guide to help you out.
A Good Photographer Should Have An Excellent Portfolio
When you’re trying to find a good photographer, it goes without saying that you the photographer you choose should be able to prove that they can create images which look like the types of photos you want for yourself. Examine the portfolio of any photographers you are considering to make sure it shows they have experience of shooting the things you need them to shoot and they can do it in a style that you like. Different photographers shoot in different styles so make sure the one you choose can match the style you need. A good photographers’ portfolio should also show a range of images from different projects and clients and this demonstrates that they have been able to consistently been able to create images for a number of different clients which should give you the assurance that they can do the same for you.
The Price Should Be Right
There are a few ways you can think about pricing when it comes to photography. The first is to consider an hourly rate and the most obvious time to take into account is the hours the photographer takes to create the photos and this should include set up time, the shoot and break down time. Additionally you need to consider post production time which would include the whole process of transferring images from the camera to computer, preparing images to send to you, making selections and final edits. Most photography jobs also need some preparation in terms of getting kit ready, booking studio time, travel and reading a brief. So, an hour long shoot can amount to much more than 60 mins of work to deliver the final images to you. Then there are time overheads to consider including admin, marketing, and training which need to be accounted for.
Another consideration for pricing is image usage. Photos used for commercial purposes can be charged differently depending on how and where they are used.

Find A Good Photographer Who Is Experienced
A good photographer needs to be able to quickly adapt to any situation and get good shots no matter what. As a paying client, you need to know that, rain or shine your photographer will get the job done. Unexpected things happen on shoot that can effect the final images. Bad weather, location changes, late running staff, power failures to name a few. An experienced photographer should have dealt with many tricky scenarios before and will know how to work around these bad situations.
Experience also means a photographer is able to work quickly and without fuss to get things done. They will be able to make recommendations to ensure your photos turns out as well as they can and they’ll be able to deal with busy people who can only spare a few minutes, bad light, small rooms and tight deadlines.
Remember that part of the cost of your shoot is the time and energy of you and your team, location fees, travel costs and more. You don’t want to risk this outlay only for a photographer to show up who is inexperienced and does a bad job on the day.
Check how experienced the photographer is by asking:
- how long they have been working for
- the number of projects that have done
- how many clients they have worked with
- see if they have worked with any reputable clients who you recognise

Good Photographers Should Be Easy To Communicate With & Understand What You Want
How do you find a good photographer who can take your ideas and propose a way to create the images you want? You can only do this through a two way discussion with both you and the photographer making an input. If it feels like the photographer is being too rigid and only willing to do things their way that may be a warning sign that you don’t want to use them. Ultimately the photographer is working for you and should be making the images that you want. Using their skills and experience they should be able to make helpful suggestions and tell you what is possible based on your budget, location, time constraints and requirements. You may be able to collaborate with them to create a photography brief.
A good photographer should ask for clarity in what you want to achieve so that they can ensure they provide you with good options for you to choose from and you should be able to clearly understand the images that will be produce.
Find A Photographer Who Is A Specialist
If you are looking for a photographer in London or another big city you should be able to find 100s of photographers to choose from. Photography is an attractive field to work in and it is relatively easy to set up a website and say you are a photographer.
However, to find the right photographer for you, it’s best to narrow your search to specific types of photographers who are really good at what they do. You mos likely need a particular type of photography creating, so go for someone who is a master of their specialised filed and not a jack of all trades.
Some of the different specialist areas of photography are:
- Portrait Photography
- Wedding Photography
- Product Photography
- Event Photography
- Property Photography
- Advertising Photography
- Family Photography
And many more. Begin your search by looking for a photographer who specialises in what you want.
Check How You Can Use The Images
Imaging investing your time and money after finding your photographer only to find that there are restrictions on the way the images can be used. In most instances a photographer retains that copyright to the photos they take and then grants you rights to use them. Make sure you are allowed to use the photos in the way that you need and for the amount of time you need them for. The simplest thing to ask for is right to use the images for any purposes forever.
Also check what happens to the other images from the shoot that you don’t choose and if the photographer would like to use the images on their website.
Make Sure You Get What You Expect From The Photographer
A good photographer will be clear and up front about what you are paying for and how many images you will get. They should also clarify any extra fees that may apply. Make sure you understand this before you begin so you don’t end up spending more than you budgeted to get the images you need.
That’s it! If you need a good photographer to create images of your people, event or tell the story of your organisation feel free to get in touch.